Transatlantic Democracy in the Twentieth Century
- Herausgeber(in): Professor Dr. Paul Nolte
- Titel: Transatlantic Democracy in the Twentieth Century
- Untertitel: Transfer and Transformation
- Reihe: Schriften des Historischen Kollegs. Kolloquien
- Bandnummer: 96
- Verlagsort: Berlin/Boston
- Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
- Umfang: XI, 191 S.
- ISBN: 978-3-11-048970-5
- Beschreibung:
Transatlantic democracy in the 20th century – this concept goes beyond the idea of an American civilizing mission in Europe after two World Wars, and certainly beyond the notion of re-educating Germans, and making them fit for Western institutions after Nazism. As democracy is being contested anew in the beginning of the 21st century, a much more complicated landscape of democracy since 1900 emerges. Transfer was not a one-way-street, and patterns of conflict and transformation affected both American and European political societies. American democracy may not be reduced to a resilient defense of original traditions, while the narrative of German democracy is more than redemption from catastrophe. The essays in this volume contribute to a new history of transatlantic democracy that accounts for its manifold experiences and constant renegotiations, up to the current challenges of American and European populism.
- Inhalt:Table of Content (S. V–VI)Paul NolteDanksagung (S. VII)List of Abbreviations (S. IX–XI)Paul NolteBeyond Resilience, Beyond Redemption. Introducing a Complicated History of Transatlantic Democracy (S. 1–16)Volker BerghahnPolitical Democracy and the Shaping of Capitalism in pre-1914 America and Germany (S. 17–29)Thomas Welskopp„Democracy“. A Political Concept as an Ideological Weapon in the U.S. before and during World War I (S. 31–52)Riccardo BavajPluralizing Democracy in Weimar Germany. Historiographical Perspectives and Transatlantic Vistas (S. 53–73)Kiran Klaus PatelHow America Discovered Sweden. Reinventing Democracy during the 1930s (S. 75–89)Till van RahdenClumsy Democrats. Demons and Devils in Postwar Germany (S. 91–116)Volker DepkatDiscussing Democracy in Western Europe and the United States, 1945–1970 (S. 117–137)Philipp GassertConflict as a Moment of Integration. The Role of Transatlantic Protest Movements since the 1960s (S. 139–152)Hans-Jürgen PuhleTrajectories and Transformations of Western Democracies, 1950s–2000s (S. 153–170)Jan-Werner MüllerPopulism (against Democracy) (S. 171–188)List of Authors (S. 189–191)